With rising cigarette prices and the ban on smoking in public places, every cigarette becomes important. Make sure you know how to enjoy smoking properly. Smoking can have serious consequences for your health, including cancer. But if you have considered all the risks and decided to smoke, you also need to know all the proper nuances of smoking. With the right brand, location and technique, you can make the most of cigarettes.
Choosing a cigarette
- Choose your favorite cigarette brand.Beginner smokers often choose light or super light cigarettes.
This is recommended because nicotine content is usually very low in these cigarettes. Once you realize that you really need to smoke, try to enjoy smoking. The only way to find out which brand you like best is to try different types. Experiment with this.
It feels a bit subjective. Therefore, you may need to try a mistake before finding the brand of cigarette that you really like.
- Consider a light bulb.If regular cigarettes taste bad, consider switching to a light bulb. Cigarette bulbs contain non-tobacco additives that produce mint flavor when inhaled. A large number of cigarette brands contain a variety of bulbs.
- If you do not like mint-flavored foods and drinks, you may not like light bulbs. They have a very strong mint flavor.
- If you have ever smoked a regular cigarette in the past, you may not like light bulbs. Many people who have a desire for natural cigarettes really do not like mint.
- Smoking with carnations.Clove is a spice commonly used in cooking and grilling. Cloves can be seasoned with tobacco to produce aromatic cigarettes.
- If you do not like the taste of ordinary bulbs and cigarettes, cloves can be a good intermediate choice. Extra flavors can make them feel harder than regular cigarettes. However, it tastes lighter than a bulb.
- Cloves are very strong, so be careful when smoking. Since it can make you look casual, do not smoke cloves while driving.
- Try flavored cigarettes. If you are looking for a special taste, there are various types of flavored cigarettes on the market. Cigarettes are available in various flavors such as cherries, chocolate, oranges, mangoes and so on. It feels pretty clear. The taste of cigarettes is similar to the taste on the label. Flavored cigarettes can be a good choice if you do not like regular cigarettes, but also do not like cloves and bulbs.
Turn on a cigarette
- Lower a pack of cigarettes.A large number of cigarette brands benefit from good packaging. Tighten a pack of cigarettes, this will cause the tobacco in the cigarette to thicken, causing the cigarette to burn slower and increase the taste of the tobacco. Before opening the plastic wrap around your pack, flatten the cigarette pack and lower the package with the filter portion to the palm of your hand and shake the cigarette for 10-20 seconds.
- Turn the enclosed pack upside down until the cigarette opener you brought out is facing down.
- Place your free palms.
- Hit a pack of cigarettes hard in the palm of your hand three times.
- Expand the group 180 degrees (still upside down).
- Repeat the emphasis to keep the cigarettes evenly covered at both ends of the package.
- Find out when it can NOT be shaken. Some cigarettes are already filled with tobacco.
- Use a good lighter.
The first cigarette not only differs from a better quality lighter, you will also learn to love and appreciate your lighter if quality.
- Turn on a cigarette.Bring the tip of the cigarette filter to your lips. Light a lighter and light a fire just below the tip of the cigarette. Pull deeply two or three times while the flame still touches the tip of the cigarette to ignite properly. Do this until the entire end of the cigarette is alive and dead. You can turn a cigarette while it is on if it does not light up evenly.
- Cigarette smoke.When you smoke, make sure that you are not in a hurry, that you will not be disturbed, and that you are alone or with the people you love. This will allow you to enjoy your smoking time even more, especially if you have a smoking partner.
- Inhale a cigarette. Bringing a cigarette to his lips, he could not lose a tooth. Bring a lit cigarette to your lips, then slowly inhale the smoke, continue to inhale evenly into your lungs, hold the smoke for a moment, then inhale normally through your mouth, inhaling air into your lungs. It also helps reduce mouth cancer. For the early stages, superficial exhalation should be taken, as deep breathing can cause coughing.
- While inhaling, do not hold smoke into the mouth and exhale quickly.
- Some people recommend that you wet your lips with your tongue a little before carrying a cigarette in your mouth to prevent cigarettes from sticking to your lips.
- Inhaling smoke.After inhaling, leave the smoke in the lungs for a short time, then exhale. Inhale normally for lung volume, wait a moment, then exhale. To check if you are smoking properly and if smoke enters your lungs, exhale through your nose. Inhale and if the smoke does not come out of the nose, it remains in your mouth.
- Delete correctly.When done, do not let the fire touch the filter. The smoke filter is very horrible in smell and taste.
Cigarettes should be in the ashtray every time they reach the filter. Remember to quit smoking. Shake the cigarette in the ashtray if there is ash. There is no exact length to shake a cigarette into an ashtray, so watch out for cigarettes.
- Tap a cigarette with your index finger to remove the ashes from the tip, do this on the ashtray.
- Do not sweep the ashes on the floor, you may accidentally burn your clothes or leave permanent stains on your clothes.
- Turn off cigarettes.After smoking a cigarette, turn it off in the ashtray. Go out into the street, after smoking, take out a good cigarette and throw it in the trash. Fires can easily start from cigarette butts that are not extinguished and thrown improperly. There are several ways to light a cigarette:
- You can remove a cigarette by pressing it on a flat surface until it stops burning.
- You can knock your cigarette in the ashtray several times until it runs out.
- You can also drop your cigarette butt to the ground and put out the fire with your boots. Remember this will leave a black mark on the sidewalk. Pick up a cigarette butt and throw it in the trash.
- If you do not have an ashtray and do not want to leave a large mark on the asphalt, erase it with your boots, then you can drop the light. That is, you have to click the cigarette until the burning part falls off. Turning off the light that has fallen will leave a smaller spot. Don't forget to throw your cigarette butts in the trash.
Smoking ethics
- Hold your cigarette properly.Hold the cigarette between your index finger and middle finger somewhere in the filter. How to hold it really depends on what is comfortable for you.
Be careful with the tip of the cigarette burning as you hold it. You may accidentally burn someone.
- Do not signal with your cigarette.If you need to show something during a conversation, you use your other hand. The hand holding the cigarette must not move, except when you carry the cigarette to your lips.
- Ask before lighting a cigarette while visiting.If you are visiting or in a car, do not light a cigarette without asking. If someone does not want you to smoke in their home, respect you.
- Control yourself.Do not throw cigarettes in the trash without completely extinguishing them, as this can cause a fire. Do not throw cigarettes on the ground. Do not waste. Cigarettes should be extinguished in an ashtray or on a hard surface and then discarded. Tip:
- Never smoke too much cigarettes as this can cause nausea and sore throat.
- Smoking is expensive, so limit the number of cigarettes per day. Don't waste all your money on them!
- Try different brands and types of cigarettes to find the things you like best.
- We recommend switching to electronic cigarettes.
- Check smoking laws.
- Don't litter! Always dispose of cigarette butts properly.
- You can carry a pocket ashtray with you if you are often in a situation where you can not find a place to dispose of your cigarette butts.
- Bring a fragrant mint hand lotion or use mint body deodorant to cover the smell of cigarettes from people who do not like it.
- Smoking is very dangerous and dangerous for almost every organ.
- Smoking and cigarette smoke during pregnancy have a negative effect on embryonic development, leading to an increased risk of miscarriage. It also increases the likelihood of premature birth, birth defects, sudden infant death syndrome.
- Cigarette smoke can also cause cancer, so try not to smoke near people who do not want to be poisoned by your smoking.
- Try not to expose children to cigarette smoke, as they may not have enough knowledge to guess independently how to get out of the smoke zone.
- Nicotine is addictive, when smoking becomes a habit it becomes very difficult to quit.
- Nicotine overdose can cause sore throat, headache and nausea. If you are new to smoking, do not smoke too much at one time.
- Nicotine overdose can cause poisoning with abdominal pain, shortness of breath, vomiting, headache, confusion and loss of consciousness. Call an ambulance immediately if you suspect someone has nicotine poisoning.
- The smell of cigarette smoke tends to permeate your clothes, hair, and breath.
- Always discard your cigarette butts responsibly. Cigarettes that cannot be quenched can cause a fire.